လဲၤလဲၤပတာ်ဆူ တၢ်ဂ့ၢ်ခိၣ်တီမိၢ်ပှၢ်

Rocky Mountain Health Plans - RAE - Lookup Tools


Your primary care provider (PCP) is a doctor or nurse practitioner (NP) who helps you get and stay healthy. Your PCP works with nurses, physician assistants (PAs) and social workers in the clinic or office. You may see them when you visit.

Your PCP is your main contact for all your health care. Your PCP can answer your health questions and help you get the health care you need.

It is important that the providers you choose accept Health First Colorado members and are part of the Health First Colorado provider network.


RMHP RAE Provider Directories


တၢ်ဃုကွၢ်ပှၤရဲၣ်ကျဲၤမၤစၢၤတၢ်ဖိအပိးလီတဖၣ် ဟ့ၣ်လီၤဝဲဒၣ်သတူၢ်ကလာ်တၢ်ကွၢ်ထွဲအစဲထၢၣ်တဖၣ်အမံၤစရီလၢနစူးကါအီၤသ့ဝဲန့ၣ်လီၤ. နစူးကါ၀ဲလီၢ်ခၢၣ်သးတဖၣ်အံၤသ့၀ဲ ဖဲသးမူအဂီၢ်တၢ်ဘၣ်ယိၣ်တအိၣ်ဘၣ်အကတီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဘၣ်ဆၣ်နမ့ၢ် အိၣ်တဆူၣ် မ့တမ့ၢ် လိၣ်ဘၣ် ဆူၣ်ချ့ကသံၣ်ကသီတၢ်အံးထွဲကွၢ်ထွဲတကီၢ်ခါဒီး နပှၤမၤစၢၤဖံးမၤတၢ်မိၢ်ပှၢ် န့ၣ်တၢ်မၤန့ၢ်အီၤတသ့ဘၣ်အကတီၢ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. တၢ်ကွၢ်ထွဲလၢအလိၣ်မၤချ့ချ့လီၢ်ခၢၣ်သးတဖၣ်န့ၣ် ညီနုၢ်အိးထီၣ်၀ဲလၢဟါခီတဖၣ်ဒီးလၢ နွံကတၢၢ်အနံၤသဘျ့နံၤအိၣ်ဘှံးတဖၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ.

ဂ့ၢ်ဂီၢ်အူဒၢးတဖၣ်(ERs)န့ၣ်မ့ၢ်၀ဲလၢ တၢ်ဘၣ်ဒိဘၣ်ထံးမိၢ်ပှၢ်လၢအရ့ဒိၣ်တဖၣ်အဂီၢ် မ့တမ့ၢ် တၢ်ဆူးတၢ်ဆါသတူၢ်ကလာ်တဖၣ်အဂီၢ် လၢ အအိၣ်ဒီးတၢ်ဘၣ်ယိၣ်လၢသးသမူအဂီၢ်ဒီးလိၣ်ဘၣ်၀ဲတၢ်ကူစါယါဘျါတၢ်ကွၢ်ထွဲတဘျီဃီတကီၢ်ခါ န့ၣ်လီၤ. လၢဂ့ၢ်ဂီၢ်အူအပူၤန့ၣ်,နကြၢးဆဲးကျိး911 မ့တမ့ၢ် လဲၤဆူ ER တဘျီဃီန့ၣ်တက့ၢ်. If you use the ER for a reason that is not an emergency, you might owe a $3.00 copay. Refer to the Health First Colorado Member Handbook for more details about visits to the ER.

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